Normally, I like the actions of the Finnish police, but they are based on their corruption and unwillingness to investigate cases with the necessary expertise. Regarding this case, just like Pekka Seppänen's case, the police get good grades and in this case it comes from the police's strong desire to solve this case, but unfortunately it is not enough as a whole to save the actions of the Finnish police above in relation to criminal investigations, of which I give as an example the oversight of the Kauhajoki school massacre, which would have been completely preventable by the police.
The Finnish police, who would need more Soros and Tuomis of the 21st century than reality series to raise the credibility and popularity of the police with fictional series.
In my opinion, this case could very well be a normal Finnish kannibar murder, which was nevertheless done in a straightforward way and which, in its brutality and cruelty, ended in the MURDER of a young woman, even though the Finnish dictator Leif Sevo, in all his ruthlessness, corruption and in the name of the controllability and impartiality of the courts, turned the case into a manslaughter, for which the Finnish people can thank him the hatred and bitterness that Finland is turning into Europe's North Korea.
Although this was one of the few cases where I can share praise for the police's actions in all their impartiality and despite their hard efforts with which they have tried to shake off the failure brought by the Bodom case, had to surrender in the face of extreme corruption and evil which this time had taken and spoke through Leif Sevon.
In this action, which appeared as a judicial murder of the Lappalainen family, where their daughter was murdered, not only once but for the second time in our legal system, its current president Tarja Halonen could have been involved, because I don't see anyone else who could affect the smell of Leif Sevon's brain fart as much as by procuring the President's approval as he required.
Since I am bringing to the fore an extremely outrageous act directed at the top decision-makers of our country as well as the questionable procedures and judgments of our judicial system, neither Sevo nor Halonen will ever admit to this accusation I made, which is a very normal act for all the accused, such as Aino Nykopp, who also turned into a stone-walling denier in the face of the police's accusations , which did not work in the courts, however, based on strong evidence. Just like my accusations, there is moderate evidence of Sevoni's brain farts in public and his degrading sentence for the murderer.
Unfortunately, the victims are the relatives of all bystander victims who get lost in the path of these psychiatrically medicated and provoked patients.
he winners
The winners in this competition are the researchers who develop pharmaceutical products in the name of psychiatry, who use these patients in their own studies when the human immune nervous system is mapped, and the people in power who have been created ideal conditions to lead Finland with the "divide and rule" tactic, where the Finnish people are in a state of war against this modern minority group, who are known in psychiatry stigmatized as having mental health problems.
Of course, it is sad to study these acts and see the acts committed by these individuals, their victims and how it got to this point.
However, Martikainen's act radiates extreme anger and bitterness, just like the background of many staged young people today, which is the result of Lauerman, his club of friends and their ideological descendants. Lauerma, who has discovered this so-called noose of spirits in the human mind, does it with the help of anger and bitterness, which in the cases of these staged problem citizens rains down directly as a guarantee of Lauerma's omniscience and the existence of these imaginary diseases
However, the clearest example of this use of anger and bitterness is with Aino Nykopp and how, filled with anger and revenge, he stole medical supplies, poisoned his coworkers and killed the elderly in medical care as revenge on his own employer for his bad treatment. It is clear as day that Nykopp's murders in all their brutality overshadow all the actions directed at him, which remain in the shadow of our nominal rule of law due to the great unprofessionalism of the passive legal assistants and the police, whose specialty these days is not helping their clients and solving the crimes, but completely outrageously denying all charges and almost letting the "murderers" go free. letting go without explanation of actions than finding out the real actions of these persons.
Rautaheimo is already retired, but Nykopp's case, which is almost identical to Bodom's case, i.e. one does not want to see real evil and provoking and encouraging acts even though these two researchers worked so close to medical care, Granroth should be kept away from such demanding degrees in the future due to his lack of professional skills, which nevertheless appears to be self-taught in the eyes of a crime reporter, when you simply don't know or want to see the truth that is hidden in medical treatment because of the collegiality of the authorities or whatever...
If there's one thing the Finnish police need more of, it's the Soros of the 21st century, because if an investigator has such a strong fire behind him to solve these cases, it will inevitably produce results in the end, and with this kind of fire, the police's methods will inevitably be developed. However, the Soros case was a little different from the other cases I have investigated, in which another authority has a hand in the behind the scenes of the perpetrators, which has caused great criticism from my side to all those police crime investigators who have turned a blind eye in these cases, either intentionally or due to their own incompetence.
The judgment of the district court
Killing 7 years
Court of Appeal
Murder 9 years
The Supreme Court
Killing 7 years
Anja Tulenheimo-Jacket
Gustaf Moller
Mikko Tulokas (disagree)
Eva Vuori
Juha Häyhä.
Presenter Eeva-Liisa Sarvilinna-Heimonen.
In retrospect, I have thought about what impact Sanna Sillanpää's news coverage has had on the youth of Finland, and Lappalainen's case makes me wonder if these completely inexplicable actions could be some kind of multiple reflections of Sillanpää's actions and her news coverage.
The impact of news on young people
Eeva Kauppi, who pushed for the prohibition of promoting and idealizing homosexuality and how young people should be protected from this act.
This would seem to be the complete opposite of today's "rainbow bullshit", which tells the truth that the hidden truth of mental hospitals would be. Minority groups in each era of society are driven there, and they are simply not tolerated. Did any equal rights commissioner intervene in this problem during that time... ? Surely not.
Eeva Kaupp's message shines through her knowledge and how she is aware of advertising and its impact on our youth.
I believe Kaup's message because this era was a time when disinformation was very little or there was none at all, and in my opinion, this era has been very high in its fairness.
Staging Sillanpää became expensive for society
If Kaup's message is applied to this point, i.e. the importance of the news to the youth, we will inevitably come to the situation, how did Sanna Sillanpää's news coverage affect the youth? Or Lappalainen's killer?
My own opinion is that the staging of Sillanpää has become extremely expensive for society because of all the bystanders and innocent victims, of which the biggest responsibility for this has to be swallowed by the Finnish authorities, who have allowed and increased mental health problems among the people to witch-like proportions in all their incomprehension and mystery, and who will now and always to be medically non-existent "diseases".
The reason why Finland has been driven to such a situation is most likely the money that moves in medicine, but a large part of it is also from the state's point of view the employment of researchers and numerous nurses and the advancement of medicine with the help of these future human rats, who unfortunately take many bystander victims along with this official corruption, which in all its secrecy must be protected at a price by any means.
The group that staged Sillanpää and made sure that the case goes to the courts on the non-guilty side has turned Finland into a democratic dictatorship in relation to a new minority group that has mental health problems.
Chases for mental patients
Finland, where many people like Hanna Parhaniemi live,
He has certainly already gathered his own group that does exactly what people have done to minority groups throughout the ages, that is, by finding them and destroying them, except in these cases of mental health problems they are just staged in mental hospitals.
Unearthing this group is, of course, really difficult because these new sectarians also consist of well-educated individuals who do not like members of the Ku Klux Klan or other groups in Finland such as SVL and Soldiers of Odin, which are largely made up of extremist thinking pushed to the level of religion, which keeping hidden in itself is not part of the selections of these organizations.
Martikainen's father's statements about his son are completely understandable actions towards his own family member, whom he defends as the perpetrator of the crime, but in the name of the truth, this is a biased action towards his own family member, which I myself have come across when I have investigated unclear cases of medical treatment, of which the behavior of Henriikka Riepponen's husband, Pasi Riepponen, towards his doctor wife is as striking as anything of wrong and how he dealt with me.
When Martikainen's father tries to find justifications for his son's behavior, it is like clockwork to me that he has been led by someone to lobby for these modern-day mental illnesses that are very prominent in modern Finland and on the basis of which medicine gets open doors to study these medically non-existent diseases at the expense of the health of its patients.
The incident in Sillanpää took place in 02/1999 and the murder of Lappalainen in 11/2000. There is a time difference of about 2 years between them, which is quite enough that Martikainen's father could not have been contacted and traded in the motive of mental health problems, which, however, seems to lean in this direction
Martikainen's mental illness
There are many cases in Finland where these mental ill-feelings lead to, namely bitterness and anger, of which the best example is the case of Aino Nykopp and where her employer's mistreatment led, i.e. to a systematic cycle of revenge, in which the employer, co-workers (poisoning) and the elderly in the wards (poisoning) took part.
Martikainen differs from having investigated these cases in that he didn't have to be drugged by psychiatry, which in modern Finland acts like drug dealers when it comes to the patients they attract.
Inconsistency of court decisions from case to case
Individuals in the courts have given extremely inconsistent decisions in the cases I have investigated, of which I will contrast a few cases as an example
Lappalainen vs Ylivieska church burning
The Supreme Court, which completely rejected Soros and Tuominen's statements about the cruelty of the acts, where the justification was killing with bare hands and Tuominen had not encountered anything similar in his long career, and drew completely his own conclusions which led biasedly in favor of the murderer, which of course left extreme anger and bitterness on the side of the victims' relatives and the stamp of injustice on our justice system.
If we look at where our country's judicial institutions have drifted after Lappalainen's unjust sentence, which Leif Sevo fattened in the media with his corruption for me to discover after all these years, Ylivieska's church burning is the clearest case of corrupt cooperation patterns.
Finnish police who has been led into corruption like Aino Nykopp into murders
A policeman who has been taught the hard way that we are a democratic dictatorship, which is controlled 100% by the decision makers of our country with the help of the leaders of their own institutions, whose word is the law, then it is against all justice.
In Lappalainen's case, this bitter defeat had to be swallowed by Lappalainen's relatives and the hero policeman Soronen, who represented our rule of law with a blue and white rivet on his shoulders, whose work as a police officer is exemplary.
This bitter case in Imatra has driven our country's police department to the point where it no longer thinks about cases from the perspective of the rule of law and the implementation of justice through our judicial institutions, because at the latest in the Supreme Court, which is completely under the guidance of our decision-makers, the judgments and decisions are considered completely unjust, which does not encourage justice, which Lappalainen's relatives had to experience together with Soros .
Because of this, in the Ylivieska church arson case, the police crime Investigators took a unanimous position regarding the church arsonist's unmotivated actions, which, however, were completely the unleashing of aggression towards the Municipal building due to the corruption of the authorities as Revenge for the unfair actions directed at him in the courts where his cases had been handled.
This is already well known to the police that it is not possible to go to court with the Supreme Court because the verdict coming from it is in every case unfair and contrary to all justice where the Supreme Court's interpretations of the law are considered to be on the side of the perpetrators of the crimes and how this kind of corruption is almost impossible to prove when confronted with the interpretation of the law by a legal scholar or several who interpretations cannot be questioned by any living person, even if it is a class witch hunt.
The police have been taught the hard way that the only correct judgment comes when they close their eyes to the truth and let psychiatry handle these problem cases with their own expertise in institutions, where they are taken as a social contribution in the name of medicine, which is not covered by any law in our country and which is the right place for punishment where only imagination is as a limit, because all illegalities are negated by the "delusions" associated with staged mental illnesses for the patients, regarding their treatment and what Lauerma and Ojala have been so happy to tell the people up to the point, until I have started to write an alternative truth about their medically non-existent diseases that they market.
The joint role of psychiatry and the media in corruption with our problem citizens
A psychiatrist who has taken it upon himself to completely and systematically smear the reputation of our problem citizens in our country, so that it is extremely easy to "cheat" them in the institutions of our state when no one believes their words due to imaginary psychological diseases, the systematic and unfair actions of the authorities towards them, which are reported only from one direction, where the problem citizen is exactly that alongside the perfect and law-abiding authority of a problem citizen.
When people like Hanna Parhaniemi, who have "extremely radicalized" ideas about people they don't like, have nested in these institutions, they are ready to distribute unjust judgments and declarations to the minority people they target in all their silence, hidden from others.
Leif Sevon, who served as the president of the Supreme Court in 2002, when the Supreme Court, composed of members under him, dealt with the verdict of Eveliina Lappalainen's murderer.
Leif Sevon, who served as the president of the Supreme Court, did nothing and demonstrably acted against all justice, when he and his members overturned the murder of Eveliina Lappalainen by counting the extremely brutal murder as murder, completely respecting the police's statements about the case, and without at all respecting the demands of the relatives of Eveliina Lappalainen, who died violently, for taking her daughter's life. towards the murderer responsible.
The group consisting of Leif Sevo and his members ignored all the evidence and statements made by Ari Sorosen/MarkkuTuominen and his team, who in their impartiality and fairness have represented our rule of law in the best possible way.
This action was biased and favoring the murderer in court where he was accused of a very cruel and brutal murder.
The actions of Leif Sevo and his subordinates who favored the murderer against all justice.
What Sevon did with his unjust action caused immense anger among the people. As an act, it also encourages citizens to take their own rights, because our judiciary thus gives an unfair sentence to the relatives of the crime victim, which also does not respect or take into account the victim's final and terrible fate of being strangled in a bloody ditch.
Consequences of Sevoni's actions
The purpose and consequence of Sevoni's actions was to undermine the Finnish people's respect for our judicial system, which will have extremely large effects on the maintenance of the basic rights of our citizens, such as, for example, an impartial trial with judgments.
Sevoni's potential collaborators in the project to take over our country's judicial system with the help of corruption, which in all its injustice would turn our country's judiciary into a position where it is able to hand out extremely unjust sentences by "numbing" the people to these unjust sentences with unjust sentences like Sevoni's. In the longer term, this would come true, and there are already examples in our society of how the actions initiated by Sevon have torn our judicial system to pieces.
This activity is best seen in the driving of staged citizens with mental health problems to mental hospitals in the name of the impunity of the courts.
Sevon's potential partners are the beneficiaries of corruption
As Sevoni's collaborators in this extremely corrupt project, I name the beneficiaries of the unjust judgments and decisions of our judiciary.
The beneficiaries here are our country's top decision-makers, who with the help of corruption practically gain complete control over our judicial system, which means that at the latest at the highest level, i.e. the highest court, the judgment and decision coming from the supreme court is the outcome dictated by the rulers of our country with the help of moles like Sevon, who have turned in all their loyalty to the sides of our country's decision-makers and from which by 2022 there has already been a lot of evidence, which I tell about in my article.
This action, which Sevon has initiated in connection with the murder of Lappalainen, was our country's president, Tarja Halonen, and minister of justice, Johannes Koskinen. When Sevon was elected president of the Supreme Court, at the suggestion of Johannes Koskinen, Sevon was nominated for this position, and he was the only candidate who applied for this position.
At this point, both of them should be interrogated by impartial police crime investigators to see which of these people was in cahoots with Sevoni or whether they were both, because the corruption I am accusing Sevoni of does not benefit him in any way, but he did it for someone else who he benefits from.
This action has also benefited today's situation, which includes the professors of the University of Turku and the psychiatry they represent, which is full of the ideological descendants of these professors, who can easily buy off our country's problem citizens from the legal institutions of our country as blameless with expert statements made by their own ideological descendants, which are based on the mutu-feeling of medically non-existent mental illnesses that have been obtained by lying for patients who are staged with reasons, who finally commit acts that shock the community when provoked and drugged.
The actions of this friend club of professors at the University of Turku cannot be counted out in itself, because the case of Sanna Sillanpää at the end of 1999 is one case that I have highlighted in my articles, which as a staging is as clear as daylight.
Ari Soronen, who at the beginning of the 21st century represented the rule of law which Leif Sevon started to undermine with his own extremely unfair sentence, which there was nothing that could be done to correct it when Sevon through the media shot down the truths about his own actions as lies, which was a trial conducted in the media for his own actions, whose judges were people who were ignorant of legal matters, who didn't even have a theoretical possibility to complain about Sevoni's shameless act, which the people and above all Eveliina Lappalainen's relatives were subjected to. The murderer must have praised Sevon in his dreams.
Soronen, who fought until his last breath honestly, truthfully and impartially in a situation where the murderer played his own corrupt and unjust game like Sevoni, Soronen had to surrender under the blue and white flag of our rule of law, which was once defended by the war heroes of our country with their own blood and life to keep evil outside the borders. Although Soros' backbone endured alongside all the injustice and evil against which he waged a battle for justice in Imatra and kept the pillars of that institution standing, which is why many citizens gave their lives in wars to defend justice and our self-determination. Soronen, who fought for the old values ​​and principles of the police department and our judiciary, like the last man of the Finnish army for his country tooth and nail against the enemy who played on the wrong side and with the wrong rules.
Sevon, who saw in the murder of a young girl and in the hero police his opportunity to sell our judicial system to corruption and also succeeded in doing so with his own club of friends, and the last knight who defended the values ​​of our rule of law could not avoid Sevon's nasty and dirty fight alone.
In the same way that I stand up to defend the abused persons of our nominal rule of law, I stand up to defend the only hero policeman in our country who has ever had to fight for justice in a way that, unfortunately, I have not seen before in our country without falling into the dirty game myself.
Although Soronen received a fatal number of hits on the front in his fight against corruption against Sevoni's corrupt forces, this has not gone unnoticed by Finland's only and independent crime reporter whose writings are not regulated by any government agency in our country. I am going to carry the last hero policeman of our country back home from the front, giving him my own superpowers that I have stolen from our country's war heroes Minna Pass, Susanna Reinboth and Heidi Foxel without permission, so that the last hero policeman of our country can end the war against corruption that started in Imatra in the 21st century after the dirty forces of Sevoni took over our judiciary . I am going to write to the president of our country about the merits of Soros that have been ignored, arguing for him the most valuable medal of the Order of Finnish Lions in the fight against corruption.
This legal murder in our rule of law has certainly turned many good policemen to the dirty side and is one of the reasons why I call the policemen of today's Finland scumbags.
In such a dirty game where Sevon dragged our country's only hero policeman, it is black and white in my article that deals with the case of Aino Nykoppi that with corruption of this magnitude, which the relatives of Soronen and Eveliina Lappalainen have had to feel in their skins, even a healthcare professional has been turned into a murderer. It is a big question mark how Sevon's malicious and unjust actions in the name of our blue-and-white judiciary, for which many of our citizens have had to be sacrificed in times of war, has affected our hero police, who were thus fought in the halls of our judiciary.
But in the name of truth, the fight of the heroic police in Imatra against corruption and injustice in the blue and white cloak will not be erased from the history books.
When Finland settles back into a rule of law, I would hope for Sevoni to be sentenced for official crime due to the abuse of official position, which he did to Soros and Eveliina Lappalainen's relatives by condemning such a clear act as wrong, which will be put into practice immediately, however, without a prison sentence, which is not based on Sevoni's high age, but on high stupidity that approaches impunity. .